Flight Test
I wanted to create something that was somewhat simple yet easy to be enjoyable, so the first thing I thought about was the word ‘toy’ its self. I tried to understand what that word means to me and how it impacted my life. A toy to me was something that needed to cover three categories, immersive, enjoyable, and unending replay ability. This is why I chose a flying mechanic. When it comes to flying it is kind of the first branch in a skill tree of ideas. From flying we can branch out to things such as, where is he flying to, what is he wearing, is it some kind of suit or jet pack, or is it more organic with wings or some other kind of natural propulsion. When I hear the word toy I think of when I was a kid playing with action figures in my hands flying them around the room making up creative stories that spawn only from my imagination.
A flying mechanic, although not a new idea of any means was definitely more complex and complicated to implement than I originally thought. I used a couple resources to try and understand how to properly and compellingly portray flight in the most organic way possible, where the player had that sense of immersion that we strive for as game designers.
The main issues I ran into was the animation portion of the flight mechanic was not able to be transferred over properly. My character in UE5 does all of the right controls but the animations I imported were not able to work within the Game 3 Start GitHub Repository we’re using in class. I was however surprise how smoothly the action of taking of the ground and flying works. You are just running in the air at its current development, but I am assured I can get the animation aspect of the mechanic fully working soon.
Fight Test
This an UE5 Project where I worked on a flight mechanic for the base Mannequin model.
Status | Released |
Author | LukeVreeland |
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